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Lau Suriplaza view


marco valle marte


north west surire


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana


Salar de Tara filigrana

Chilean Atacama is an hidden gem, which disclose all its magic where it comes to be the "Altiplano". It guards unspoiled lands, explored by almost no man. This is the kingdom of majestic volcanoes, rainbow colored deserts, rocks artworks, optical white salars, deep blue lagoons, home of heroic wildlife.
Driving from pueblo to pueblo or along unbeliveable lonely roads stretching up to the sky, here you can encounter huge pieces of Earth where your sight goes to infinite and your heart stucks into the moment. Off-beaten tracks, amazing hiking trails into the wilderness, lead all to the same place: yourself blessed by a sense of pure venture, romanticism, freedom.
Here ancient history and contemporary times are strongly linked as happenings like the Pacific War are still strongly marking the political and social situation in this part of South America. 
Don't worry; the colorful and peaceful feeling of these places overclasses the recent history.
In natural places like the various salares and lagunas spread into the wilderness or on the roads climbing the unreachable peaks, the only things you will experiment will be an immense sense of godliness for the nature.
In a pueblo like Putre you can feel the adventurous spirit of exploring places where the Pre-Columbian culture is still living in a deep mix with Catholic colonization and in fascinating and vibrant San Pedro de Atacama you will enjoy the outstanding feeling of being in the center of the world while in the desert.
This is the place where you will discover that the mythology of nature is within you; during the day you will trek on the roof of the World and at night you can look at the stars in the eyes.


Super highlights are the outstanding and vibrant San Pedro de Atacama, the Salar de Atacama, Valle de la Luna & Valle de Marte, Salar de Tara & caldera de Pacana, Miscanti & Miniques, Lascar, Piedras Rojas & Salar de Aguas Calientes, El Laco, Geyserfield El Tatio, Vado & Vega de Putana, Valle de Arcoiris, Putre, Laguna Cotacotani & Lake Chungarà, Suriplaza, Salar de Surire,...



  Chile - Parque Nacional Lauca

Putre is a sort of gate for a world beyond.
It offers an outstanding bite of the Altiplano pureness and it is the perfect basis to explore the wonders of Parque Nacional Lauca.
Here you can breath in full the genuine spirit of this magic land, having the chance to experiment fantastic hiking trails, off-beaten track drives, loneliness of colorful desert and mystic volcanoes, amazing fauna wondering around you.
All these, in comfortable standards (obviously you must have explorer attitude), but far away from heavy tourist route.
Attractions such as Salar de Surire, Chungarà & Cotacotani, Suriplaza are memorable for an entire life.

= read our journey-tale & info
San Pedro de Atacama

San Pedro de Atacama

  Chile - Atacama - Reserva Nacional Los Flamencos

Are you looking for a bite of adventure, loneliness, pure exploration, for a land inspiring saudade at first sight and at the same for the feeling to be at the button belly of World? Sand Pedro de Atacama is the answer.
We have never come across something comparable to San Pedro.
This small dusty town is literally a frontier, politically, geographically and geologically, it's definitely a border. Nevertheless here you jump into a different dimension: a borderless world where every kind of people from everywhere come to. It's a place out of time and out of World, but everything come alive here.
Luxury and battered style coexist, indeed they generate together a perfect alchemy that is impossible to resist. In San Pedro you can explore unreachable lands, in San Pedro you have a pure freedom fun with no frills, you discover the World and its splendid diversity. You grow up by nourishing your own mind openness, your culture and your soul.
San Pedro is a village you fall in love with; a place that sticks to you, a place where you feel the visceral need to return.

San Pedro de Atacama is perfectly located into an ideal circus of multiples top class attractions and therefore it's the perfect basis to spend several days to explore the Atacama.
Main attractions: Valle de la Luna, Valle de Marte, Pukara de Quitor, Salar de Atacama, Lascar, Quebrada de Kezala, Miscanti & Miniques, Piedra Rojas & Laguna Aguas Caliente III, Salar de Tara and Caldera de Pacana, geyser El Tatio, Vega de Putana, Reserva Nacional De Fauna Andina Eduardo Avaroa (Bolivia), ... etc.
(*Reserva Nacional Los Flamencos includes various sites mentioned above)

= read our journey-tale & info
Monumento Nacional Salar de Surire

Monumento Nacional Salar de Surire

  Chile - Parque Nacional Lauca

Salar de Surire is a wonderland, for offbeaten destinations lovers. It’s a must itself. The trip you embark on to get there is sort of mythical travel into a land that spans through a divine crowd of volcanoes, endless into the sky. You ford rivers, pass through fairy altiplano’s meadows, small pueblos completely out-of-the World.
The landscape goes up far over any expectation you may have and flamingos, viscachas, vicunas, rheas (suris) are the amazing inhabitants of this nature’s artwork.
Don't miss the pueblo of Guallatire along with the astonishing Guallatiri Volcano and the magnetic beauty of Termas de Polloquere on your way.
One full day of a self drive loop tour, from Putre to Surire and way back, is a once in life experience, which actually you would like to repeat every day.

= read our journey-tale & info



+1 #1 Sammy 2020-10-07 09:44
The most favorite part,Latin America
First time to know,there is such breezing
place through the pics.
Very cool to see the nature which is far away from the cities