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the Earth, the Nature, the life flow
as they should be




















Botswana is the home of one of the last nature’s paradises...Okawango Delta.
The Delta is a magic; it’s so tough to describe as it is pure nature unleashed, from every corner you explore it.
It's a such wilderness place, where actually you can experiment the cathartic loneliness of fascinating sunset while, at the same, feeling to be just one speck of dust, in the hectic crowd of nature’s life.
Botswana it’s not Okavango Delta only: while Moremi Game Reserve is lying at core of dreams for everyone traveling to explore Africa’s nature, safari’s lovers and travelers addicted to wilderness will remain enchanted by the authentic gem which is Chobe National Park. This celebrity of wildlife oriented tourism is home of highest concentration of elephants in the World, with a population still increasing, approaching to twenty thousands.
The central-north salt-pans, which are leftovers of ancient inland sea, are a fantastic area, probably a bit less known and off-beaten, but totally worthy to visit.
These places gift impressive Africa's style scenarios, made an inspiring nature. Breathtaking panoramas and off-road dusty drives stretch through amazing landscapes populated by wonderful wildlife. Huge white salt lowlands, iconic savannah, migrations of herds of zebras and wildebeests, through an endless bush. You will find yourselves fully absorbed in an empathetic spirit, heading with them towards the Boteti river's banks, where elephants and crocodiles rule.
You will dock on lonely islands in the desert, homes of millennial baobabs. Admire the last greeting of the sun over lagunas which are birds sanctuaries and get ready for exciting adventures exploring unpredictable tracks leading you into an unspoiled natural world...


Highlights of Botswana are Okawango Delta, mostly with Moremi Game Reserve, but also a wider area of the delta, the Chobe National Park, Makgakigadi Pans National Park, with the wonder of Boteti river, Nxai Pans National Park, with the amazing Baines’ Baobab.
We missed to visit in our tour, but for sure a worthy spot, the huge and iconic Central Kalahari Game Reserve and Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, of which we visited mostly the South Africa’s section, entering from Namibia in our previous tour.



Botswana - Okawango's delta

Shorobe is the very last village prior to enter into the Moremi Game Reserve.
It lyes 1 hour drive from the Moremi's south-west entrance and just 20 minutes drive from Maun.
Arriving in Shorobe the Okawango's delta starts to embrace you and the feeling to be in a true natural kingdom, with different rules from western World, is actually there.
Moremi GR and Okawango's delta are the ultimate paradise for wildlife lovers. Safaris here are beyond the imagination, a pure loveliness flows around you and within you while you are hit by the raw power of nature... but don't forget, this is not a journey for rookies

Chobe riverfront

Chobe riverfront

Botswana - Chobe N.P. - Serondela Area / Kasane

Chobe National Park is a wonder of nature; it is the place with the highest concentration of elephants in all of Africa. Off-road trails along the Chobe River offer unique safari opportunities, offering non-stop wildlife spotting opportunities, in a wild environment where nature is still the true and undisputed master. It is no coincidence that the Chobe N.P. both the most famous park in Botswana and probably one of the most sought-after safari destinations in all of Africa: the large herds of elephants that meet along the river that draw the horizon at sunset, colored by a fiery but delicate and enveloping sun , are a magic that has no equal in the world.
The riverfront (Serondela area) is the "most accessible" section of the park, but it requires quite significant off-road driving skills and a 4x4 vehicle (so you will have all the time and space to enjoy this incredible place with a few other chosen ones roaming the park). The town of Kasane is an excellent basis to visit this section of the park.
Wandering among groups of lions, endless herds of impalas and majestic elephants alone has an epic flavor, but if you want to go even further, towards almost mythological places, the areas of Linyanti and Savuti will be there to await your arrival.
